shabs19 02 Mar 2014, 21:10
// ------------------------------------------------------------ // Paste this code into your cAlgo editor. // ----------------------------------------------------------- using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using cAlgo.API; using cAlgo.API.Indicators; using cAlgo.API.Internals; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.ComponentModel; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Threading; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using Microsoft.Win32; using System.Threading; using cAlgo.API.Requests; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Converted from MQ4 to cAlgo with // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace cAlgo.Indicators { [Indicator(ScalePrecision = 5, AutoRescale = false, IsOverlay = true)] [Levels()] public class _3_Level_ZZ_Semafor_Indicator : Indicator { Mq4Double Mq4Init() { Mq4Double C = 0; Mq4DoubleArray Mass = new Mq4DoubleArray(); Mq4Double CSt = 0; Mq4Double CDev = 0; if (Period1 > 0) F_Period = MathCeil(Period1 * Period()); else F_Period = 0; if (Period2 > 0) N_Period = MathCeil(Period2 * Period()); else N_Period = 0; if (Period3 > 0) H_Period = MathCeil(Period3 * Period()); else H_Period = 0; if (Period1 > 0) { SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_ARROW, 0, 1); SetIndexArrow(0, Symbol_1_Kod); SetIndexBuffer(0, FP_BuferUp); SetIndexEmptyValue(0, 0.0); SetIndexStyle(1, DRAW_ARROW, 0, 1); SetIndexArrow(1, Symbol_1_Kod); SetIndexBuffer(1, FP_BuferDn); SetIndexEmptyValue(1, 0.0); } if (Period2 > 0) { SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_ARROW, 0, 3); SetIndexArrow(2, Symbol_2_Kod); SetIndexBuffer(2, NP_BuferUp); SetIndexEmptyValue(2, 0.0); SetIndexStyle(3, DRAW_ARROW, 0, 3); SetIndexArrow(3, Symbol_2_Kod); SetIndexBuffer(3, NP_BuferDn); SetIndexEmptyValue(3, 0.0); } if (Period3 > 0) { SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_ARROW, 0, 4); SetIndexArrow(4, Symbol_3_Kod); SetIndexBuffer(4, HP_BuferUp); SetIndexEmptyValue(4, 0.0); SetIndexStyle(5, DRAW_ARROW, 0, 4); SetIndexArrow(5, Symbol_3_Kod); SetIndexBuffer(5, HP_BuferDn); SetIndexEmptyValue(5, 0.0); } CDev = 0; CSt = 0; C = 0; if (IntFromStrFunc(Dev_Step_1, ref C, Mass) == 1) { Stp1 = Mass[1]; Dev1 = Mass[0]; } if (IntFromStrFunc(Dev_Step_2, ref C, Mass) == 1) { Stp2 = Mass[1]; Dev2 = Mass[0]; } if (IntFromStrFunc(Dev_Step_3, ref C, Mass) == 1) { Stp3 = Mass[1]; Dev3 = Mass[0]; } return 0; return 0; } Mq4Double deinitFunc() { return 0; return 0; } Mq4Double Mq4Start() { if (Period1 > 0) CountZZFunc(FP_BuferUp, FP_BuferDn, Period1, Dev1, Stp1); if (Period2 > 0) CountZZFunc(NP_BuferUp, NP_BuferDn, Period2, Dev2, Stp2); if (Period3 > 0) CountZZFunc(HP_BuferUp, HP_BuferDn, Period3, Dev3, Stp3); return 0; return 0; } Mq4Double CountZZFunc(IMq4DoubleArray ExtMapBuffer, IMq4DoubleArray ExtMapBuffer2, Mq4Double ExtDepth, Mq4Double ExtDeviation, Mq4Double ExtBackstep) { Mq4Double lastlow = 0; Mq4Double lasthigh = 0; Mq4Double curhigh = 0; Mq4Double curlow = 0; Mq4Double res = 0; Mq4Double val = 0; Mq4Double lastlowpos = 0; Mq4Double lasthighpos = 0; Mq4Double back = 0; Mq4Double shift = 0; for (shift = Bars - ExtDepth; shift >= 0; shift--) { val = Low[Lowest(NULL, 0, MODE_LOW, ExtDepth, shift)]; if (val == lastlow) val = 0.0; else { lastlow = val; if ((Low[shift] - val) > (ExtDeviation * Point)) val = 0.0; else { for (back = 1; back <= ExtBackstep; back++) { res = ExtMapBuffer[shift + back]; if ((res != 0) && (res > val)) ExtMapBuffer[shift + back] = 0.0; } } } ExtMapBuffer[shift] = val - (delta * Point); val = High[Highest(NULL, 0, MODE_HIGH, ExtDepth, shift)]; if (val == lasthigh) val = 0.0; else { lasthigh = val; if ((val - High[shift]) > (ExtDeviation * Point)) val = 0.0; else { for (back = 1; back <= ExtBackstep; back++) { res = ExtMapBuffer2[shift + back]; if ((res != 0) && (res < val)) ExtMapBuffer2[shift + back] = 0.0; } } } ExtMapBuffer2[shift] = val + (delta * Point); } lasthigh = -1; lasthighpos = -1; lastlow = -1; lastlowpos = -1; for (shift = Bars - ExtDepth; shift >= 0; shift--) { curlow = ExtMapBuffer[shift]; curhigh = ExtMapBuffer2[shift]; if ((curlow == 0) && (curhigh == 0)) continue; if (curhigh != 0) { if (lasthigh > 0) { if (lasthigh < curhigh) ExtMapBuffer2[lasthighpos] = 0; else ExtMapBuffer2[shift] = 0; } if (lasthigh < curhigh || lasthigh < 0) { lasthigh = curhigh; lasthighpos = shift; } lastlow = -1; } if (curlow != 0) { if (lastlow > 0) { if (lastlow > curlow) ExtMapBuffer[lastlowpos] = 0; else ExtMapBuffer[shift] = 0; } if ((curlow < lastlow) || (lastlow < 0)) { lastlow = curlow; lastlowpos = shift; } lasthigh = -1; } } for (shift = Bars - 1; shift >= 0; shift--) { if (shift >= Bars - ExtDepth) ExtMapBuffer[shift] = 0.0; else { res = ExtMapBuffer2[shift]; if (res != 0.0) ExtMapBuffer2[shift] = res; } } return 0; } Mq4Double Str2MassiveFunc(Mq4String VStr, ref Mq4Double M_Count, IMq4DoubleArray VMass) { Mq4Double mc = 0; Mq4Double val = 0; val = StrToInteger(VStr); if (val > 0) { M_Count++; mc = ArrayResize(VMass, M_Count); if (mc == 0) return -1; VMass[M_Count - 1] = val; return 1; } else return 0; return 0; } Mq4Double IntFromStrFunc(Mq4String ValStr, ref Mq4Double M_Count, IMq4DoubleArray VMass) { Mq4String CS = ""; Mq4Double NP = 0; Mq4String SS = ""; if (StringLen(ValStr) == 0) return -1; SS = ValStr; NP = 0; M_Count = 0; ArrayResize(VMass, M_Count); while (StringLen(SS) > 0) { NP = StringFind(SS, ","); if (NP > 0) { CS = StringSubstr(SS, 0, NP); SS = StringSubstr(SS, NP + 1, StringLen(SS)); } else { if (StringLen(SS) > 0) { CS = SS; SS = ""; } } if (Str2MassiveFunc(CS, ref M_Count, VMass) == 0) { return -2; } } return 1; return 0; } [Parameter("delta", DefaultValue = 0)] public int delta_parameter { get; set; } bool _deltaGot; Mq4Double delta_backfield; Mq4Double delta { get { if (!_deltaGot) delta_backfield = delta_parameter; return delta_backfield; } set { delta_backfield = value; } } [Parameter("Period1", DefaultValue = 7)] public double Period1_parameter { get; set; } bool _Period1Got; Mq4Double Period1_backfield; Mq4Double Period1 { get { if (!_Period1Got) Period1_backfield = Period1_parameter; return Period1_backfield; } set { Period1_backfield = value; } } [Parameter("Period2", DefaultValue = 25)] public double Period2_parameter { get; set; } bool _Period2Got; Mq4Double Period2_backfield; Mq4Double Period2 { get { if (!_Period2Got) Period2_backfield = Period2_parameter; return Period2_backfield; } set { Period2_backfield = value; } } [Parameter("Period3", DefaultValue = 77)] public double Period3_parameter { get; set; } bool _Period3Got; Mq4Double Period3_backfield; Mq4Double Period3 { get { if (!_Period3Got) Period3_backfield = Period3_parameter; return Period3_backfield; } set { Period3_backfield = value; } } [Parameter("Dev_Step_1", DefaultValue = "1,3")] public string Dev_Step_1_parameter { get; set; } bool _Dev_Step_1Got; Mq4String Dev_Step_1_backfield; Mq4String Dev_Step_1 { get { if (!_Dev_Step_1Got) Dev_Step_1_backfield = Dev_Step_1_parameter; return Dev_Step_1_backfield; } set { Dev_Step_1_backfield = value; } } [Parameter("Dev_Step_2", DefaultValue = "8,5")] public string Dev_Step_2_parameter { get; set; } bool _Dev_Step_2Got; Mq4String Dev_Step_2_backfield; Mq4String Dev_Step_2 { get { if (!_Dev_Step_2Got) Dev_Step_2_backfield = Dev_Step_2_parameter; return Dev_Step_2_backfield; } set { Dev_Step_2_backfield = value; } } [Parameter("Dev_Step_3", DefaultValue = "13,8")] public string Dev_Step_3_parameter { get; set; } bool _Dev_Step_3Got; Mq4String Dev_Step_3_backfield; Mq4String Dev_Step_3 { get { if (!_Dev_Step_3Got) Dev_Step_3_backfield = Dev_Step_3_parameter; return Dev_Step_3_backfield; } set { Dev_Step_3_backfield = value; } } [Parameter("Symbol_1_Kod", DefaultValue = 108)] public int Symbol_1_Kod_parameter { get; set; } bool _Symbol_1_KodGot; Mq4Double Symbol_1_Kod_backfield; Mq4Double Symbol_1_Kod { get { if (!_Symbol_1_KodGot) Symbol_1_Kod_backfield = Symbol_1_Kod_parameter; return Symbol_1_Kod_backfield; } set { Symbol_1_Kod_backfield = value; } } [Parameter("Symbol_2_Kod", DefaultValue = 108)] public int Symbol_2_Kod_parameter { get; set; } bool _Symbol_2_KodGot; Mq4Double Symbol_2_Kod_backfield; Mq4Double Symbol_2_Kod { get { if (!_Symbol_2_KodGot) Symbol_2_Kod_backfield = Symbol_2_Kod_parameter; return Symbol_2_Kod_backfield; } set { Symbol_2_Kod_backfield = value; } } [Parameter("Symbol_3_Kod", DefaultValue = 82)] public int Symbol_3_Kod_parameter { get; set; } bool _Symbol_3_KodGot; Mq4Double Symbol_3_Kod_backfield; Mq4Double Symbol_3_Kod { get { if (!_Symbol_3_KodGot) Symbol_3_Kod_backfield = Symbol_3_Kod_parameter; return Symbol_3_Kod_backfield; } set { Symbol_3_Kod_backfield = value; } } public IndicatorDataSeries FP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries { get; set; } public IndicatorDataSeries FP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries { get; set; } public IndicatorDataSeries NP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries { get; set; } public IndicatorDataSeries NP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries { get; set; } public IndicatorDataSeries HP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries { get; set; } public IndicatorDataSeries HP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries { get; set; } Mq4Double Stp3; Mq4Double Dev3; Mq4Double Stp2; Mq4Double Dev2; Mq4Double Stp1; Mq4Double Dev1; Mq4Double H_Period; Mq4Double N_Period; Mq4Double F_Period; int indicator_buffers = 6; int indicator_color1 = Lime; int indicator_color2 = Red; int indicator_color3 = DodgerBlue; int indicator_color4 = DodgerBlue; int indicator_color5 = Black; int indicator_color6 = Black; Mq4Double indicator_width1 = 1; Mq4Double indicator_width2 = 1; Mq4Double indicator_width3 = 2; Mq4Double indicator_width4 = 2; Mq4Double indicator_width5 = 4; Mq4Double indicator_width6 = 4; Mq4Double indicator_width7 = 6; Mq4Double indicator_width8 = 6; private Mq4OutputDataSeries FP_BuferUp; private Mq4OutputDataSeries FP_BuferDn; private Mq4OutputDataSeries NP_BuferUp; private Mq4OutputDataSeries NP_BuferDn; private Mq4OutputDataSeries HP_BuferUp; private Mq4OutputDataSeries HP_BuferDn; List<Mq4OutputDataSeries> AllBuffers = new List<Mq4OutputDataSeries>(); public List<DataSeries> AllOutputDataSeries = new List<DataSeries>(); protected override void Initialize() { if (FP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries == null) FP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries = CreateDataSeries(); FP_BuferUp = new Mq4OutputDataSeries(this, FP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries, ChartObjects, 3, 0, () => CreateDataSeries(), 1, Colors.Lime); AllBuffers.Add(FP_BuferUp); if (FP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries == null) FP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries = CreateDataSeries(); FP_BuferDn = new Mq4OutputDataSeries(this, FP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries, ChartObjects, 3, 1, () => CreateDataSeries(), 1, Colors.Red); AllBuffers.Add(FP_BuferDn); if (NP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries == null) NP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries = CreateDataSeries(); NP_BuferUp = new Mq4OutputDataSeries(this, NP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries, ChartObjects, 3, 2, () => CreateDataSeries(), 2, Colors.DodgerBlue); AllBuffers.Add(NP_BuferUp); if (NP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries == null) NP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries = CreateDataSeries(); NP_BuferDn = new Mq4OutputDataSeries(this, NP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries, ChartObjects, 3, 3, () => CreateDataSeries(), 2, Colors.DodgerBlue); AllBuffers.Add(NP_BuferDn); if (HP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries == null) HP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries = CreateDataSeries(); HP_BuferUp = new Mq4OutputDataSeries(this, HP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries, ChartObjects, 3, 4, () => CreateDataSeries(), 4, Colors.Black); AllBuffers.Add(HP_BuferUp); if (HP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries == null) HP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries = CreateDataSeries(); HP_BuferDn = new Mq4OutputDataSeries(this, HP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries, ChartObjects, 3, 5, () => CreateDataSeries(), 4, Colors.Black); AllBuffers.Add(HP_BuferDn); AllOutputDataSeries.Add(FP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries); AllOutputDataSeries.Add(FP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries); AllOutputDataSeries.Add(NP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries); AllOutputDataSeries.Add(NP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries); AllOutputDataSeries.Add(HP_BuferUp_AlgoOutputDataSeries); AllOutputDataSeries.Add(HP_BuferDn_AlgoOutputDataSeries); CommonInitialize(); } private bool _initialized; public override void Calculate(int index) { try { _currentIndex = index; FP_BuferUp.SetCurrentIndex(index); FP_BuferDn.SetCurrentIndex(index); NP_BuferUp.SetCurrentIndex(index); NP_BuferDn.SetCurrentIndex(index); HP_BuferUp.SetCurrentIndex(index); HP_BuferDn.SetCurrentIndex(index); if (IsLastBar) { if (!_initialized) { Mq4Init(); _initialized = true; } Mq4Start(); _indicatorCounted = index; } } catch (Exception e) { throw; } } int _currentIndex; CachedStandardIndicators _cachedStandardIndicators; Mq4ChartObjects _mq4ChartObjects; Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory _mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory; Mq4MarketDataSeries Open; Mq4MarketDataSeries High; Mq4MarketDataSeries Low; Mq4MarketDataSeries Close; Mq4MarketDataSeries Median; Mq4MarketDataSeries Volume; Mq4TimeSeries Time; private void CommonInitialize() { Open = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Open); High = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.High); Low = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Low); Close = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Close); Volume = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.TickVolume); Median = new Mq4MarketDataSeries(MarketSeries.Median); Time = new Mq4TimeSeries(MarketSeries.OpenTime); _cachedStandardIndicators = new CachedStandardIndicators(Indicators); _mq4ChartObjects = new Mq4ChartObjects(ChartObjects, MarketSeries.OpenTime); _mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory = new Mq4ArrayToDataSeriesConverterFactory(() => CreateDataSeries()); } private int Bars { get { return MarketSeries.Close.Count; } } Mq4Double Point { get { if (Symbol == null) return 1E-05; return Symbol.TickSize; } } private int Period() { if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute) return 1; if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute2) return 2; if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute3) return 3; if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute4) return 4; if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute5) return 5; if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute10) return 10; if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute15) return 15; if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Minute30) return 30; if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour) return 60; if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour4) return 240; if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Hour12) return 720; if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Daily) return 1440; if (TimeFrame == TimeFrame.Weekly) return 10080; return 43200; } public TimeFrame PeriodToTimeFrame(int period) { switch (period) { case 0: return TimeFrame; case 1: return TimeFrame.Minute; case 2: return TimeFrame.Minute2; case 3: return TimeFrame.Minute3; case 4: return TimeFrame.Minute4; case 5: return TimeFrame.Minute5; case 10: return TimeFrame.Minute10; case 15: return TimeFrame.Minute15; case 30: return TimeFrame.Minute30; case 60: return TimeFrame.Hour; case 240: return TimeFrame.Hour4; case 720: return TimeFrame.Hour12; case 1440: return TimeFrame.Daily; case 10080: return TimeFrame.Weekly; case 43200: return TimeFrame.Monthly; default: throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("TimeFrame {0} minutes isn't supported by cAlgo", period)); } } Mq4Double MathCeil(double x) { return Math.Ceiling(x); } Mq4Double StrToInteger(Mq4String value) { return int.Parse(value); } int ToMq4ErrorCode(ErrorCode errorCode) { switch (errorCode) { case ErrorCode.BadVolume: return ERR_INVALID_TRADE_VOLUME; case ErrorCode.NoMoney: return ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MONEY; case ErrorCode.MarketClosed: return ERR_MARKET_CLOSED; case ErrorCode.Disconnected: return ERR_NO_CONNECTION; case ErrorCode.Timeout: return ERR_TRADE_TIMEOUT; default: return ERR_COMMON_ERROR; } } int StringFind(Mq4String text, string matched_text, int start = 0) { return ((string)text).IndexOf(matched_text, start); } int StringLen(Mq4String text) { return ((string)text).Length; } Mq4String StringSubstr(Mq4String text, int start, int length = 0) { if (length == 0 || length > ((string)text).Length - start) return ((string)text).Substring(start, ((string)text).Length - start); return ((string)text).Substring(start, length); } const string NotSupportedMaShift = "Converter supports only ma_shift = 0"; int GetHighestIndex(DataSeries dataSeries, int count, int invertedStart) { var start = invertedStart; var maxIndex = start; var endIndex = count == WHOLE_ARRAY ? (dataSeries.Count - 1) : (count + start - 1); for (var i = start; i <= endIndex; i++) { if (dataSeries.Last(i) > dataSeries.Last(maxIndex)) maxIndex = i; } return maxIndex; } int GetLowestIndex(DataSeries dataSeries, int count, int invertedStart) { var start = invertedStart; var minIndex = start; var endIndex = count == WHOLE_ARRAY ? (dataSeries.Count - 1) : (count + start - 1); for (var i = start; i <= endIndex; i++) { if (dataSeries.Last(i) < dataSeries.Last(minIndex)) minIndex = i; } return minIndex; } int GetExtremeIndex(Func<DataSeries, int, int, int> extremeFunc, string symbol, int timeframe, int type, int count, int start) { var marketSeries = GetSeries(symbol, timeframe); switch (type) { case MODE_OPEN: return extremeFunc(marketSeries.Open, count, start); case MODE_HIGH: return extremeFunc(marketSeries.High, count, start); case MODE_LOW: return extremeFunc(marketSeries.Low, count, start); case MODE_CLOSE: return extremeFunc(marketSeries.Close, count, start); case MODE_VOLUME: return extremeFunc(marketSeries.TickVolume, count, start); case MODE_TIME: return start; default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("wrong type for GetExtremeIndex"); } } //{ int iHighest(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int type, int count = WHOLE_ARRAY, int start = 0) { return GetExtremeIndex(GetHighestIndex, symbol, timeframe, type, count, start); } int Highest(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int type, int count = WHOLE_ARRAY, int start = 0) { return iHighest(symbol, timeframe, type, count, start); } //} //{ int iLowest(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int type, int count = WHOLE_ARRAY, int start = 0) { return GetExtremeIndex(GetLowestIndex, symbol, timeframe, type, count, start); } int Lowest(Mq4String symbol, int timeframe, int type, int count = WHOLE_ARRAY, int start = 0) { return iLowest(symbol, timeframe, type, count, start); } //} //{ int ArrayResize(IMq4DoubleArray array, int new_size) { array.Resize(new_size); return new_size; } int ArrayResize(Mq4DoubleTwoDimensionalArray array, int new_size) { return 0; } //} int ArrayResize(Mq4StringArray array, int new_size) { array.Resize(new_size); return new_size; } private int _lastError; const string GlobalVariablesPath = "Software\\2calgo\\Global Variables\\"; Symbol GetSymbol(string symbolCode) { if (symbolCode == "0" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbolCode)) { return Symbol; } return MarketData.GetSymbol(symbolCode); } MarketSeries GetSeries(string symbol, int period) { var timeFrame = PeriodToTimeFrame(period); var symbolObject = GetSymbol(symbol); if (symbolObject == Symbol && timeFrame == TimeFrame) return MarketSeries; return MarketData.GetSeries(symbolObject.Code, timeFrame); } private DataSeries ToAppliedPrice(string symbol, int timeframe, int constant) { var series = GetSeries(symbol, timeframe); switch (constant) { case PRICE_OPEN: return series.Open; case PRICE_HIGH: return series.High; case PRICE_LOW: return series.Low; case PRICE_CLOSE: return series.Close; case PRICE_MEDIAN: return series.Median; case PRICE_TYPICAL: return series.Typical; case PRICE_WEIGHTED: return series.WeightedClose; } throw new NotImplementedException("Converter doesn't support working with this type of AppliedPrice"); } const string xArrow = "✖"; public static string GetArrowByCode(int code) { switch (code) { case 0: return string.Empty; case 32: return " "; case 33: return "✏"; case 34: return "✂"; case 35: return "✁"; case 40: return "☎"; case 41: return "✆"; case 42: return "✉"; case 54: return "⌛"; case 55: return "⌨"; case 62: return "✇"; case 63: return "✍"; case 65: return "✌"; case 69: return "☜"; case 70: return "☞"; case 71: return "☝"; case 72: return "☟"; case 74: return "☺"; case 76: return "☹"; case 78: return "☠"; case 79: return "⚐"; case 81: return "✈"; case 82: return "☼"; case 84: return "❄"; case 86: return "✞"; case 88: return "✠"; case 89: return "✡"; case 90: return "☪"; case 91: return "☯"; case 92: return "ॐ"; case 93: return "☸"; case 94: return "♈"; case 95: return "♉"; case 96: return "♊"; case 97: return "♋"; case 98: return "♌"; case 99: return "♍"; case 100: return "♎"; case 101: return "♏"; case 102: return "♐"; case 103: return "♑"; case 104: return "♒"; case 105: return "♓"; case 106: return "&"; case 107: return "&"; case 108: return "●"; case 109: return "❍"; case 110: return "■"; case 111: case 112: return "□"; case 113: return "❑"; case 114: return "❒"; case 115: case 116: return "⧫"; case 117: case 119: return "◆"; case 118: return "❖"; case 120: return "⌧"; case 121: return "⍓"; case 122: return "⌘"; case 123: return "❀"; case 124: return "✿"; case 125: return "❝"; case 126: return "❞"; case 127: return "▯"; case 128: return "⓪"; case 129: return "①"; case 130: return "②"; case 131: return "③"; case 132: return "④"; case 133: return "⑤"; case 134: return "⑥"; case 135: return "⑦"; case 136: return "⑧"; case 137: return "⑨"; case 138: return "⑩"; case 139: return "⓿"; case 140: return "❶"; case 141: return "❷"; case 142: return "❸"; case 143: return "❹"; case 144: return "❺"; case 145: return "❻"; case 146: return "❼"; case 147: return "❽"; case 148: return "❾"; case 149: return "❿"; case 158: return "·"; case 159: return "•"; case 160: case 166: return "▪"; case 161: return "○"; case 162: case 164: return "⭕"; case 165: return "◎"; case 167: return "✖"; case 168: return "◻"; case 170: return "✦"; case 171: return "★"; case 172: return "✶"; case 173: return "✴"; case 174: return "✹"; case 175: return "✵"; case 177: return "⌖"; case 178: return "⟡"; case 179: return "⌑"; case 181: return "✪"; case 182: return "✰"; case 195: case 197: case 215: case 219: case 223: case 231: return "◀"; case 196: case 198: case 224: return "▶"; case 213: return "⌫"; case 214: return "⌦"; case 216: return "➢"; case 220: return "➲"; case 232: return "➔";
02 Mar 2014, 21:10
code attached