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wu740721 12 Sep 2019, 14:47 ( Updated at: 12 Sep 2019, 14:51 )
Hi ctrader members,
I have an account on Fxpro ctrader, but recently I found you have removed the feature of IOC(Immediate or Cancel).
Please add the feature back. This feature is very important for me on trading.
wu740721 12 Sep 2019, 14:38
I have an account on Fxpro. But recently I found the IOC (Immediate or Cancel) has been removed by you. Why do you remove it?
Can you add the feature back to ctrader? This feature is very important for me to trade.
12 Sep 2019, 14:47 ( Updated at: 12 Sep 2019, 14:51 )
Hi ctrader members,
I have an account on Fxpro ctrader, but recently I found you have removed the feature of IOC(Immediate or Cancel).
Please add the feature back. This feature is very important for me on trading.