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30 Sep 2013, 19:17

01 Oct 2013, 17:00


Thanks a lot!

01 Oct 2013, 15:55


Thanks for the confirmation - indeed I found cause of the strange behavior to lie in my own code :) Until I have you on hand, can I ask 2 quick questions:

1. It seems to not be possible to identify the pending order from which a position was opened, right?

2. As I am scalping can you tell me what happens in this situation:
I have a stop buy oder to open at say 1.3550. Ask is currently 1.3548
I want to move the target price of the pending order to 1.3549 - thus, I first send a delete request to delete the existing pending order. First issue here is that the pending order might have become a position during the time I am sending the delete request. What happens in this case - do I get an OnError event?
After I have sent the delete request, I send a new request for buy stop order w/ target price 1.3549. What happens if the Ask has moved to 1.3550 in this time (while I was busy sending the delete request). Will I get an OnError event, or will I get straight OnPositionOpened event without OnPendingOrderCreated?

Thanks but the answers to those questions are very important for me before I move my real robot to cTrader.

30 Sep 2013, 22:12


Or to put the question differently: Does cAlgo use synchronous or asynchronous events?