26 Feb 2018, 01:23

26 Feb 2018, 14:34

OK Panagiotis,

The main reason I would like to use API FIX is to reduce latency  as much as possible. I have used  many MT4 brokers in the past and I now realise that MT4 is an outdated technology. By contrast, FIX API (via ctrader) eliminates a lot of the steps in the execution process and allows trader to get connected to liquidity providers in a more direct way.

Thanx Panagiotis


26 Feb 2018, 13:23


Thanx for the link you've provided , great article you've written there. Nevertheless, I'm still confused. In the article, you give examples of messages surch as this :

       public string LogonMessage(SessionQualifier qualifier, int messageSequenceNumber,
           int heartBeatSeconds, bool resetSeqNum)
           var body = new StringBuilder();
           //Defines a message encryption scheme.Currently, only transportlevel security
           //is supported.Valid value is "0"(zero) = NONE_OTHER (encryption is not used).
           //Heartbeat interval in seconds.
           //Value is set in the '' file (client side) as    'SERVER.POLLING.INTERVAL'.
           //30 seconds is default interval value. If HeartBtInt is set to 0, no heart beat  message
           //is required.
           body.Append("108=" + heartBeatSeconds + "|");
           // All sides of FIX session should have
           //sequence numbers reset. Valid value
           //is "Y" = Yes(reset).
           if (resetSeqNum)
           //The numeric User ID. User is linked to SenderCompID (#49) value (the
           //user’s organization).
           body.Append("553=" + _username + "|");
           //USer Password
           body.Append("554=" + _password + "|");

           var header = ConstructHeader(qualifier, SessionMessageCode(SessionMessageType.Logon),
               messageSequenceNumber, body.ToString());
           var headerAndBody = header + body;
           var trailer = ConstructTrailer(headerAndBody);
           var headerAndMessageAndTrailer = header + body + trailer;
           return headerAndMessageAndTrailer.Replace("|", "\u0001");


When using ctrader, what exactly am I supposed to do with this message ? copy and paste it within ctrader ?

Sorry if I'm asking stupid qquestions but I'm a complete newbie here and your knowlege is really appreciated


Thanx in advance



26 Feb 2018, 12:23

Hello Panagiotis,

I was in contact with FX PIG and they have informed me that with ctrader, the FIX API functionality is built in, which means there is no need to install anything else, as opposed to a third party FIX engine which I would have to source separately

Could you confirm that this is the case ?

Thanx in advance
