
15 Nov 2024, 06:46 ( Updated at: 15 Nov 2024, 14:23 )

RE: RE: RE: Risk-Reward - Market order lots not computer properly ?

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

all-raceway0m said: 

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi there,

I did not understand what you are doing and what exactly is happening. Can you record a video so that we can understand what you are looking at?

Best regards,



I undwerstood from this video that I can fix a risk reward (lets sasy 100 usd) and when I move My SL on a limit order the nb of lots is computed automatically to keep 100 usd of risk.
And that if I change to market order the nb of lots will be computer when I click the buy/sell button based on the current price to respect 100 usd risk.

On video below that I did we can see:

  • when I chose limit order and fix the risk to 100 usd. nb of lots is computed automatically when i change the entry point
  • when I change to market order and place the order the nb od lots is not recomputed but the last computed for the entry poitn which his not righ

My be I understood wrong the feature for market order.., if i understood wrong can you any idea how I can do this as I want to always have the same risk


Hi there,

It is impossible to set the risked amount exactly at a fixed stop loss price, since the trade eventually needs to be rounded at a volume that meets the minimum step set by the broker. Therefore you will get an approximation at best. The tool calculates the exact volume that needs to be traded for that amount to be risked but eventually you need to trade the closest valid volume.

Best regards,


Thank you , I understand this and its why you have the “rounding” button.

I as expecting in fact when I'm in market to have the number of lots adjust automatically while price is moving so I can round and place my order.

Also if we are obvioulsy needing to round to take a trade, why ctrader team doesnt round it automatically ? (im sure there is good reason)



14 Nov 2024, 15:11 ( Updated at: 15 Nov 2024, 06:32 )

RE: Risk-Reward - Market order lots not computer properly ?

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi there,

I did not understand what you are doing and what exactly is happening. Can you record a video so that we can understand what you are looking at?

Best regards,



I undwerstood from this video that I can fix a risk reward (lets sasy 100 usd) and when I move My SL on a limit order the nb of lots is computed automatically to keep 100 usd of risk.
And that if I change to market order the nb of lots will be computer when I click the buy/sell button based on the current price to respect 100 usd risk.

On video below that I did we can see:

  • when I chose limit order and fix the risk to 100 usd. nb of lots is computed automatically when i change the entry point
  • when I change to market order and place the order the nb od lots is not recomputed but the last computed for the entry poitn which his not righ

My be I understood wrong the feature for market order.., if i understood wrong can you any idea how I can do this as I want to always have the same risk

