03 Jul 2018, 17:45
Hi ctid418503,
The discrepancy is caused by the fact that indicators referenced from a cBot take the timezone of the cBot and this is also related to the way you calculate VWAP. If the VWAP is considering the days based on different timezones then the results will be different. If you want your indicator in the cBot to yield the same results to the indicator of the chart, then the cBot should operate on the same timezone as the indicator on the chart.
Best Regards,
03 Jul 2018, 14:32
Hi leohermoso,
This is a very rare issue and will be fixed in the next release of cTrader.
Best Regards,
03 Jul 2018, 12:43
Hi ctid418503,
I mentioned above that we are still investigating this issue.
Best Regards,
03 Jul 2018, 12:19
Hi Enrico,
Thanks for the additional information. First of all we do not have the cBot/Indicator code. Also we do not know what the cBot/Indicator are supposed to do in the first place. Therefore there is not much advice we can give. From your description we can also conclude that this will need some investigation so maybe you could consider contacting a professional cAlgo programmer to help you and maybe converting the EA and indicator for you instead of relying on an online tool.
Best Regards,
03 Jul 2018, 12:02
Hi tradermatrix,
What does the UTC parameter do?
Best Regards,
03 Jul 2018, 11:50
Hi ctid418503,
Can you try setting both on UTC?
Best Regards,
03 Jul 2018, 11:08
Hi ctid418503,
An initial investigation has shown that this is caused by the fact that the cBot and the Indicator are using different timezones. If you can set them to the same timezone the issue will be resolved. In the meanwhile we will investigate further why this happens.
Best Regards,
03 Jul 2018, 10:48
Hi megha,
Please make sure that you are sending the messages to the correct port. For Quote is 5211 and for Trader is 5212.
Best Regards,
03 Jul 2018, 10:36
Hi eOs IT,
Thanks for posting in our forum. However, I don't think there is enough information for somebody to help you. First of all, you only posts parts of the code so it is not easy for somebody to understand what is going on. Also, how did you make the conversion? Did somebody convert the algorithms for you?
Best Regards,
03 Jul 2018, 10:19
Hi irmscher9,
It means that the indicator will take into consideration the last 20 periods, each time a value is calculated.
Best Regards,
03 Jul 2018, 10:16
Hi budiali,
Currently this information is not availabe via the cAlgo API.
Best Regards,
03 Jul 2018, 10:09
Hi Kean,
Thanks for posting in our forum. There is currently no url or video for this. What you need to do is to maximize the chart and then you will see a button with an f below the chart. This is the button for the indicators. If you press it, you will be able to add indicators to the chart.
Best Regards,
03 Jul 2018, 10:01
Hi leohermoso,
I am really sorry that you feel this way, however we have been taking seriously any bug reported by traders and we are releasing updates with many improvements on a frequent basis. It would be really helpful if you could give us some more information about the issues you experience so that we can investigate them and fix them.
Best Regards,
29 Jun 2018, 10:47
Hi ctid418503,
Can you share with us the cBot code as wel as the backtesting parameters so that we can reproduce this behavior?
Best Regards,
29 Jun 2018, 10:13
Hi cwik_m,
The above code is just an example. The code assigns event handlers to the specific events. Event handlers are methods called each time the event occurs. In this case, they are called whenever a position opens or closes.
Best Regards,
29 Jun 2018, 09:32
Hi leohermoso,
If they are live accounts then they are probably created by your broker. Your broker should link your trading accounts on creation. You need to contact your broker and mention this issue.
Best Regards,
28 Jun 2018, 17:06
Hi sryap,
This is not possible via FIX. You cannot retrieve historical prices using FIX API.
Best Regards,
28 Jun 2018, 16:27
Hi 3047070,
It is neither absurd nor something intelligent. It is just a metric that says what it says. And what it says is that x% of traders believe that the market will go up and z% of traders believe that will go down. It is up to you to decide if this information is helpful for you or not and if you should consider it in any way. If you are not happy with this feature you can always use more advanced third part sentiment tools that consider volume of open positions as well.
Best Regards,
28 Jun 2018, 12:30
Hi megha.
Can you please try now?
Best Regards,
04 Jul 2018, 09:07
Hi solark,
Can you send us an example cBot to check?
Best Regards,