
07 Jan 2025, 15:13 ( Updated at: 08 Jan 2025, 08:29 )

RE: Parameter stopLossPips and takeProfitPips in PendingOrder

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi all,

You just need to use the new parameter called protectionType and set explicitly what the protection type is.

public TradeResult PlaceStopOrder(TradeType tradeType, string symbolName, double volume, double targetPrice, string label, double? stopLoss, double? takeProfit, ProtectionType? protectionType)

Best regards,


Hi Panagiotis,

Thank you for sharing that.
This a new parameter that is added. 
I looked up the Help section to try and understand what does the ProtectionType parameter do. 
I understand that they are three values to choose from; ProtectionType.None, ProtectionType.Relative and ProtectionType.Absolute
I couldn't understand what is their effect. Could you be kind enough to elaborate what do they do to an order or position?

Thank you
