20 Jun 2016, 14:38
07 May 2016, 19:43
07 May 2016, 19:40
07 May 2016, 19:38
03 Apr 2016, 03:39

17 May 2016, 04:05


moneybiz said:

Okay i tried that, but after clicked that play button it loaded days X / 1300+ days and nothing from there.. I don't know how to operate this cAlgo at all..can you tell me exactly what to do to get the file?.. I got only DumpToCSV bot and one who saves the live ticks to Excel file.. Should i add some other bot or something?..


I don't that bot. But if it is coded properly it should save all the tick data for 1300+ days. If it doesn't contact the developer.

No it's downloading the data, but Excel CSV file can contain about only 1.048 Million rows, which is just couple of months of data from 2012, and maybe it'll be possible to add another sheets or files, or extend the rows it can contain but then the second problem is that this DumpToCSV bot gives me the OHLC data, which in this all fourth are the same value, and it's not both bid and ask data which is what i need.. and also the CSV file is 2.99GB for just several months of data, so it should be about 50GB of data for 2012-2016 OHLC tick data.. it's all so sucks.. with my former broker, i could download all data with bid and ask prices, even 50 years back of daily OHLC bid and ask, with not all that mess and difficulties.. is there any way to do that here? please?.. 


15 May 2016, 00:23


This post was removed by moderator.



14 May 2016, 22:59 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:20 )


moneybiz said:

Hi.. Sorry but i know almost nothing about the cAlgo programming or loading and stuff.. Can you tell me exactly please, how to get that 2012 and on tick data to excel file? i'll take it from there.. 

Click on the marked places.


Okay i tried that, but after clicked that play button it loaded days X / 1300+ days and nothing from there.. I don't know how to operate this cAlgo at all..can you tell me exactly what to do to get the file?.. I got only DumpToCSV bot and one who saves the live ticks to Excel file.. Should i add some other bot or something?..


12 May 2016, 10:11


moneybiz said:

fm1975a1 said:

Hello and thanks for the reply sir.. The bot you talking about, is it exporting to excel file History prices for time frames i.e. Hourly daily etc.. I got robot that showing the ticks data for both bid and ask, but that is not what i need.. So if this bot can exporting bid and ask history data for some time frame, i'll really like that.. or if there's an option to get tick Bid Ask for very far back, like several years, although it's very unlike cause obviously it's huge amount of data, but if there's, i could code one that break it down to Days or Hours or other Time frames OHLC data..

So thanks again and have a nice day.. much appreciated..


You can get tick data since 2012 november from cAlgo.
Load your tick saving bot and run backtesting from 2012 november till the current date.

All the tick data will be fed to your bot.

Later with that tick data you can build your own bars of whatever duration you want. You can build 30 seconds bars, 123 ticks bars, etc. but not on cAlgo, you have to make your own tester.

If you want to save bar and tick data together just override OnBar() method and save the last 2 tick data received before OnBar() for close of the previous bar and oppening of the new. You you'll have ticks that close a bar and open a new one.

Hi.. Sorry but i know almost nothing about the cAlgo programming or loading and stuff.. Can you tell me exactly please, how to get that 2012 and on tick data to excel file? i'll take it from there.. 


09 May 2016, 04:55


moneybiz said:

You can use OnTick() event to get the bid and ask prices.
Override the method and then you can get the price pair from Symbol.Bid/Ask object to accomplish what you want.
Then load your bot for backtesting.
From the settings icon choose tick data as source. Then select the date ranges you want the prices for from above (you will see it somewhere over the settings icon) and run the bot.

It will download the ticks for the range from the server and the OnTick() event will fire for each tick received. Save the values to some file.
Don't forget to add "AccessRights = AccessRights.FileSystem" attribute to the top of your robot otherwise you won't be able to access the file system.

If you can't make it I can post my bot that I'm using to do exactly what you're trying to do.


public string Delimiter { get; set; }

protected override void OnTick()

    var logEvent = $"{Time:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff}{Delimiter}{Symbol.Bid}{Delimiter}{Symbol.Ask}";


Hello and thanks for the reply sir.. The bot you talking about, is it exporting to excel file History prices for time frames i.e. Hourly daily etc.. I got robot that showing the ticks data for both bid and ask, but that is not what i need.. So if this bot can exporting bid and ask history data for some time frame, i'll really like that.. or if there's an option to get tick Bid Ask for very far back, like several years, although it's very unlike cause obviously it's huge amount of data, but if there's, i could code one that break it down to Days or Hours or other Time frames OHLC data..

So thanks again and have a nice day.. much appreciated..


19 Apr 2016, 06:36

Also how can i delete or edit post in here?.. Thanks again..


19 Apr 2016, 06:34


Spotware said:

Dear Trader,

We would like to inform you that we do not provide coding assistance services. We more than happy to assist you with specific questions about cAlgo.API. You can contact one of our Partners or post a job in Development Jobs section for further coding assistance.

Okay.. so if there's a bot that can do this, it will be very much appreciated..


14 Apr 2016, 21:10


Anybody knows how to delete or edit posts also? any help with the issue.. please?..


09 Apr 2016, 00:08


fm1975a1 said:

Spotware said:

Dear Trader,

Please have a look at the following indicators cAlgo4u Simplified Excel WriteData Export Ticks - Saves to CSV



I got this one  /algos/cbots/show/495   and it's exactly what i need, besides it doesn't have the Bid and the Ask, just one OHLC column, so anyone knows how to add the Bid and the Ask data to that CSV file?..


Many thanks..

Sorry for the many updates, but it's very important 2 me.. I just found out this cBot is giving wrong daily values for the Gold [XAUUSD], sometimes by thousands of pips [XX.YY] And X is off by three or six numbers..


08 Apr 2016, 21:37


Spotware said:

Dear Trader,

Please have a look at the following indicators cAlgo4u Simplified Excel WriteData Export Ticks - Saves to CSV



I got this one  /algos/cbots/show/495   and it's exactly what i need, besides it doesn't have the Bid and the Ask, just one OHLC column, so anyone knows how to add the Bid and the Ask data to that CSV file?..


Many thanks..


08 Apr 2016, 18:54


Spotware said:

Dear Trader,

Please have a look at the following indicators cAlgo4u Simplified Excel WriteData Export Ticks - Saves to CSV

Hi.. i did checked it out, and the second indicator looking good cause it did supposed to get the Bid And Ask, but running it on WinForm application on VS 2013 wasn't successful 4 me, and on the cAlgo platform it gives me bunch of errors trying even to build it, i'm not sure i know how to work with the cAlgo, and honestly, i don't really want to at least now, i just need an Excel file with Hourly or Daily OHLC data for bid and ask prices, of my real account [i noticed there's not place to put Username or Password so it's very different from what i worked with in the past] So i'll very appreciate directions or better example of how to export historical OHLC bid and ask data for some period to an Excel file, with a click of WinForm button that's runs the needed piece of code to make that, for now, it's all i need and i'll very appreciate this kind of help..

Thanks again and have a great day..


08 Apr 2016, 17:24


Spotware said:

Dear Trader,

Please have a look at the following indicators cAlgo4u Simplified Excel WriteData Export Ticks - Saves to CSV



Okay i'll check it out.. Thanks a lot..
