Aieden EURUSD Grid Strategy Released

Aieden EURUSD Grid Strategy Released
20 Feb 2024, 11:17
Dear traders,
We’ve been quiet for a while. Last year we spent our time releasing bots as a license for the ClickAlgo store and validating our technology for CopyTrading. This year we aim to accelerate the Copy-Trading component of our business. Committed to offer validated, tested technologies to users - our Aieden EURUSD Grid strategy has been running as a proof-of-concept, on a demo account, live on cTrader Copy for 14 months. The strategy has delivered 60% growth in those 14 months against a 31% worst case drawdown. Two months ago we went live on a real account with own funds and the live strategy is showing the same statistics of the proof-of-concept. We are now announcing and introducing this strategy to the general public.
We consider Grid strategies a useful tool for high risk, high reward investing. Managed as a portfolio - Grids can accelerate abundance. Our business plan has us releasing 20 - 50 strategies over the next 18 months. This way investors can select a large number of those strategies to have a diversified set of components for their portfolio. The more strategies that an investor can copy - the more diversified and lower risk the portfolio will become. More capital will be required to copy more accounts so this way investors can manage risk together in-line with capital allocation.
As we release strategies we will be tying up more and more of our own capital - ensuring that we are “eating our own dog food” in an identical way that we would imagine an investor who copies us does.
We are technologists offering technologies for our own investing purposes that are offered through regulated brokers as a copy trading service. Please do not take anything we say as financial advice as we are not authorized to provide any.
To find out more about the Aieden EURUSD Grid proof-of-concept or the live version please visit the links below:
Aieden EURUSD Grid proof-of-concept with >14 months validation
Aieden EURUSD Grid live account
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