Avoid mistake copies
Avoid mistake copies
05 Nov 2020, 10:39
Due to the fact there are imposters that impose to be the provider of a legit and good strategy I propose the following changes to the copy platform to make imposters and scammers life a bit more difficult.
Some ideas:
Must Have:
- No spaces, underscores, dots in the strategy & provider name, before allowing strategy name make a phonetic search for possible duplicate
So International ASCII : A-Z a-z 0-9 , !@#$%^&*()_+=-;<>/?, Only!
- In copy info: Max EQ DD% per period
- Max EQDD% setting (stop copy when too much EQ loss in %)
- Insight in time the CTID is active on cTrader,
- Basic sort on period x time result. (default 6 months)
nice to have:
- At start of copy confirm CTID and Strategy name before copy start (you will copy xxxx from yyyy, are you sure?)
- CTID Trust indicator / (unreliability flag made up from: CTID active time, strategy age, self invested live capital)
- remove imposters ctid's.
- Give contact data + passport id to duped traders (tricky one ;-)).
- Get rid of Volume fees as they are an open door for scammers.
- Statistical data in API or CSV
That's all folks
please vote up/ alter and improve.
25 Mar 2021, 15:56
( Updated at: 25 Mar 2021, 16:03 )
no look-alike characters just only
, !@#$%^&*()_+=-;<>/?
and no others allowed!
06 Nov 2020, 15:21
we have to try everything possible to get rid of imposters. So I am all for it but think the privacy thing will be a problem.
Don't know if it will scare off scammers though, but it will certainly avoid mistakenly copying an imposter account.