cAlgo not show inherited Properties with Parameter and Output Attributes from base class.
cAlgo not show inherited Properties with Parameter and Output Attributes from base class.
19 Mar 2017, 09:31
cAlgo should show the inherited parameters and outputs from base indicator class. For example:
[Indicator(IsOverlay = true, AutoRescale = false)]
public class MyBaseIndicator : Indicator {
[Parameter("Atr Period", DefaultValue = 100, MinValue = 1, MaxValue = 200)]
public int atrPeriod { get; set; }
[Parameter("Atr Multiplay", DefaultValue = 2, MinValue = 0, MaxValue = 8)]
public int atrMultiplay { get; set; }
[Indicator(IsOverlay = true, AutoRescale = false)]
public MyIndicator : MyBaseIndicator
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.0)]
public double Parameter { get; set; }
cAlgo show only Parameter instead of all parameters.
I suggest cAlgo should use dotNET reflection API instead of source code analising. In case of Indicators and Robot too.