D2 and D3 charts with Bollinger Band indicators not displayed correctly.

Created at 27 Mar 2018, 19:37
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Joined 05.06.2016

D2 and D3 charts with Bollinger Band indicators not displayed correctly.
27 Mar 2018, 19:37

I am using Bollinger Band indicator with 3 different period settings. I.e. Period 11, 12 & 20 (three separate charts). Very often D2 & D3 charts are not displayed correctly. Like today, 27th March, D3 chart for Bollinger Band period 11 is displayed correctly. But, for settings 12 & 20, the chart displayed was yesterday's chart, i.e. 26th March. However, for D2 charts, all period is displayed correctly. This happens quite frequently. Please rectify this bug. Thanks.
