How to tradingview buy sell indicator converter?
How to tradingview buy sell indicator converter?
18 Oct 2022, 15:53
Hi guys, how can we convert a buy and sell indicator in tradingview? Or can someone convert it?
study("RSI Buy and Sell Alert", overlay=true)
myPeriod = input(defval=14, type=integer, title="Period")
myThresholdUp = input(defval=70, type=float, title="Upper Threshold")
myThresholdDn = input(defval=30, type=float, title="Lower Threshold")
myAlgoFlipToggle = input(defval=false, type=bool, title="Imverse Algorthim")
myLineToggle = input(defval=true, type=bool, title="Show Lines")
myLabelToggle = input(defval=true, type=bool, title="Show Labels")
myRSI=rsi(close, myPeriod)
buy = myAlgoFlipToggle ? falling(myRSI,1) and cross(myRSI, myThresholdDn) : rising(myRSI, 1) and cross(myRSI,myThresholdUp)
sell = myAlgoFlipToggle ? rising(myRSI, 1) and cross(myRSI,myThresholdUp) : falling(myRSI,1) and cross(myRSI, myThresholdDn)
myPosition = buy==1 ? 0 : sell==1 or myPosition[1]==1 ? 1 : 0
trendColor = buy ? red : sell ? green : na
barcolor(myPosition[1]==1 ? red : myPosition[1]==0 ? green : na)
plot(myLineToggle ? buy and myPosition[1]==1 ? low - 0.004: sell and myPosition[1]==0 ? high + 0.004 : na : na, color=trendColor, style=line, linewidth=4, editable=true)
plotshape(myLabelToggle ? buy and myPosition[1]==1 ? low - 0.005 : na : na, title="BUY", style=shape.labelup, size=size.normal, location=location.absolute, text="Buy", transp=0, textcolor = white, color=green, editable=false)
plotshape(myLabelToggle ? sell and myPosition[1]==0 ? high + 0.005 : na : na, title="SELL", style=shape.labeldown, size=size.normal, location=location.absolute, text="Sell", transp=0, textcolor = white, color=red, editable=false)
// === /PLOTTING ===
// Send alert to TV alarm sub-system
alertcondition(myLabelToggle ? sell and myPosition[1]==0 ? high + 0.005 : na : na,title="Sell",message="Sell")
alertcondition(myLabelToggle ? buy and myPosition[1]==1 ? low - 0.005 : na : na,title="BuY",message="Buy")
alertcondition(myLabelToggle ? buy and myPosition[1]==1 ? low - 0.005 : na : na,title="BuY",message="Buy")
alertcondition(myLabelToggle ? buy and myPosition[1]==1 ? low - 0.005 : na : na,title="BuY",message="Buy")
19 Oct 2022, 09:24
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