Name of BollingerBandsWidth indicator doesn't show up in Visual Studio
Created at 28 Nov 2020, 05:38
Name of BollingerBandsWidth indicator doesn't show up in Visual Studio
28 Nov 2020, 05:38
I don't see BollingerBandsWidth indicator in Visual Studio. I want to get last result like the one I get when using BollingerBands indicator e.g.
OnStart() {
Boll = Indicators.BollingerBands(Source, BandPeriod, Std, MaType);
if(Boll.Main.LastValue > Symbol.Bid)
So when I type "Indicators.BollingerBandsWidth" there is nothing. A file of the indicator is in right folder and there is 'using cAlgo.indicator' statement. Any idea?
29 Nov 2020, 10:01
I don't believe the BBW indicator comes native to cTrader, so you can't add it like you do the BB's.
You have to do something like the following: