Secured Account Login through Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
Secured Account Login through Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
29 Aug 2020, 12:19
cTrader is a great platform with many great features which standout from the competition.
However, currently only one (to be memorized) password is needed to log in. This is considered a low security level and not market standard nowadays. Considering that a lot of money can be at stake, I would strongly suggest multi-factor authentication as a standard to log in.
As is the case at other brokers like OANDA, where MFA is mandatory or like Binance, where MFA is encouraged (more possibilities when MFA is active).
For instance, please refer to the Microsoft website about MFA in the link below
Happy to think along.
Kind regards
28 Sep 2020, 09:50
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi nikw,
MFA is in our future plans.
Best Regards,
That's good to know! Thank you!
31 Aug 2020, 08:28
Hi nikw,
MFA is in our future plans.
Best Regards,
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