Request to Try C TREYDER Platform Before Purchasing a Funded Account

Created at 05 Feb 2025, 18:12
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Joined 05.02.2025

Request to Try C TREYDER Platform Before Purchasing a Funded Account
05 Feb 2025, 18:12


I am interested in purchasing a funded account through one of the funding firms, and C TREYDER is one of the available platform options. Before purchasing a challenge account, I would like to ensure that the platform suits my needs.

I understand that funding firms provide demo accounts, but these are operated through other platforms and not directly via C TREYDER. Therefore, I would like to know if there is an option to access and try the C TREYDER platform itself before purchasing a challenge account.

I would appreciate any information on this.

Thank you in advance,
Yakov Maimon


23 Feb 2025, 08:17

I myself don't understand what you're asking, and I suspect nobody else does either since you haven't had a response.

I don't know of a “C TREYDER”, but there's “cTrader”. cTrader is a platform, which can be downloaded from any broker that offers it as a platform for you to try.


I understand that funding firms provide demo accounts, but these are operated through other platforms and not directly via C TREYDER.

This doesn't make sense. cTrader is a trading platform just like MT4/MT5; anyone who gives you an account where you can use cTrader is a broker. A broker is not a platform.

