Problem adding indicators downloaded from the store into the references of your indicator.

Created at 25 Jan 2025, 11:55
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Problem adding indicators downloaded from the store into the references of your indicator.
25 Jan 2025, 11:55

Hi community. In my opinion I think what I am about to explain is an important problem. I downloaded some free indicators from the new store. So far no problem.

When I try to add one of my indicators or robots, I can't find the name in the references. This for me is an important if not serious problem. Because it is not possible to integrate the use of indicators downloaded from the store into your code and it involves being tied to a chart for many hours when instead perhaps you can create a personal indicator or robot that sends signals or opens positions.

I want to receive an answer on what both management and users in general think.

I repeat that for me and I think for everyone, it is essential that you can use the indicators coming from the store in your strategies.


03 Mar 2025, 02:20

What do you mean it's not possible?

I think you might not understand the process, especially since you haven't outlined the steps you follow that aren't working so someone can correct you if need be.

Here's a reference point for you:

 help. ctrader. com /ctrader-algo/custom-indicators/


