algo loading error

Created at 12 Jan 2025, 10:14
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Joined 12.01.2025

algo loading error
12 Jan 2025, 10:14


I downloaded an algo indicator and it runs well for a year, but recently it can't be load.

check the log file print: 

| Error |  Crashed in Initialize with ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length

could some dev help me ? 

using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using System.Linq;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Security;

namespace cAlgo
    [Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
    public class MajorCurrencyStrengthComparison : Indicator
        [Parameter("Periods", Group = "User Defines", DefaultValue = 24, MinValue = 1)]
        public int Periods { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Show Best", Group = "User Defines", DefaultValue = 5, MinValue = 1)]
        public int ShowBest { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Major Pairs", Group = "User Defines", DefaultValue = true)]
        public bool IncludeMajor { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Correlation", Group = "User Defines", DefaultValue = false)]
        public bool IncludeCross { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Sort By", Group = "User Defines", DefaultValue = SortType.Strength)]
        public SortType SortBy { get; set; }

        [Parameter("TimeFrame", Group = "User Defines")]
        public TimeFrame TF { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Title", Group = "Interface", DefaultValue = true)]
        public bool Title { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Percentage", Group = "Interface", DefaultValue = 100, MinValue = 100)]
        public int Percentage { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Vertical", Group = "Interface", DefaultValue = VerticalAlignment.Top)]
        public VerticalAlignment Vertical { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Horrizontal", Group = "Interface", DefaultValue = HorizontalAlignment.Left)]
        public HorizontalAlignment Horizontal { get; set; }

        [Parameter("Type", Group = "High-Low + [Abs(Open-Close)]", DefaultValue = Type.Weighted)]
        public Type TYPE { get; set; }

        [Parameter("ATR", Group = "Alternative", DefaultValue = false)]
        public bool ATR { get; set; }

        [Parameter("ATR MA", Group = "Alternative", DefaultValue = MovingAverageType.Exponential)]
        public MovingAverageType ATRType { get; set; }

        readonly List<string> MajorCurrencies = new List<string> 

        public enum SortType

        public enum Type

        public enum MAType

        public class PreviousValue
            public int Index { get; set; }
            public List<double> LastPeriods = new List<double>();

        readonly List<double> CSIs = new List<double>();
        readonly List<double> CChs = new List<double>();
        readonly List<string> Currencies = new List<string>();
        readonly List<PreviousValue> LastValues = new List<PreviousValue>();

        readonly List<Bars> BarSeries = new List<Bars>();
        readonly List<AverageTrueRange> ATRs = new List<AverageTrueRange>();

        readonly List<SimpleMovingAverage> SMA_Low = new List<SimpleMovingAverage>();
        readonly List<SimpleMovingAverage> SMA_Open = new List<SimpleMovingAverage>();
        readonly List<SimpleMovingAverage> SMA_High = new List<SimpleMovingAverage>();
        readonly List<SimpleMovingAverage> SMA_Close = new List<SimpleMovingAverage>();

        readonly List<WeightedMovingAverage> WMA_Low = new List<WeightedMovingAverage>();
        readonly List<WeightedMovingAverage> WMA_Open = new List<WeightedMovingAverage>();
        readonly List<WeightedMovingAverage> WMA_High = new List<WeightedMovingAverage>();
        readonly List<WeightedMovingAverage> WMA_Close = new List<WeightedMovingAverage>();

        readonly List<ExponentialMovingAverage> EMA_Low = new List<ExponentialMovingAverage>();
        readonly List<ExponentialMovingAverage> EMA_Open = new List<ExponentialMovingAverage>();
        readonly List<ExponentialMovingAverage> EMA_High = new List<ExponentialMovingAverage>();
        readonly List<ExponentialMovingAverage> EMA_Close = new List<ExponentialMovingAverage>();

        protected override void Initialize()
            var currencies = string.Join(" ", MajorCurrencies.ToArray());
            var symbols = Symbols.Where(S => currencies.Contains(S.Substring(0, 3)) && currencies.Contains(S.Substring(3)) && ((IncludeMajor && !IncludeCross && S.Contains("USD")) || (!IncludeMajor && IncludeCross && !S.Contains("USD")) || IncludeMajor && IncludeCross)).ToArray();

            foreach (var s in symbols)
                var MarketData = base.MarketData.GetBars(TF, s);

                LastValues.Add(new PreviousValue 
                    Index = -1

                if (ATR)
                    //var ma = ATRType == MAType.Simple ? MovingAverageType.Simple : ATRType == MAType.Exponential ? MovingAverageType.Exponential : ATRType == MAType.Time_Series ? MovingAverageType.TimeSeries : ATRType == MAType.Triangular ? MovingAverageType.Triangular : ATRType == MAType.VIDYA ? MovingAverageType.VIDYA : ATRType == MAType.Weighted ? MovingAverageType.Weighted : MovingAverageType.WilderSmoothing;
                    ATRs.Add(Indicators.AverageTrueRange(MarketData, Periods, ATRType));
                else if (TYPE == Type.Simple)
                    SMA_Low.Add(Indicators.SimpleMovingAverage(MarketData.LowPrices, Periods));
                    SMA_Open.Add(Indicators.SimpleMovingAverage(MarketData.OpenPrices, Periods));
                    SMA_High.Add(Indicators.SimpleMovingAverage(MarketData.HighPrices, Periods));
                    SMA_Close.Add(Indicators.SimpleMovingAverage(MarketData.ClosePrices, Periods));
                else if (TYPE == Type.Weighted)
                    WMA_Low.Add(Indicators.WeightedMovingAverage(MarketData.LowPrices, Periods));
                    WMA_Open.Add(Indicators.WeightedMovingAverage(MarketData.OpenPrices, Periods));
                    WMA_High.Add(Indicators.WeightedMovingAverage(MarketData.HighPrices, Periods));
                    WMA_Close.Add(Indicators.WeightedMovingAverage(MarketData.ClosePrices, Periods));
                else if (TYPE == Type.Exponential)
                    EMA_Low.Add(Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(MarketData.LowPrices, Periods));
                    EMA_Open.Add(Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(MarketData.OpenPrices, Periods));
                    EMA_High.Add(Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(MarketData.HighPrices, Periods));
                    EMA_Close.Add(Indicators.ExponentialMovingAverage(MarketData.ClosePrices, Periods));

        public override void Calculate(int index)
            for (int i = 0; i < BarSeries.Count; i++)
                var index2 = GetIndexByTF(BarSeries[i], this.Bars, index);

                if (index2 == -1)

                var PS = BarSeries[i].SymbolName.Contains("JPY") ? 100 : 1;

                var value = 0.0;

                if (ATR)
                    value = ATRs[i].Result[index2] / PS;
                else if (TYPE == Type.Simple)
                    value = ((SMA_High[i].Result[index2] - SMA_Low[i].Result[index2]) + Math.Abs(SMA_Open[i].Result[index2] - SMA_Close[i].Result[index2])) / PS;
                else if (TYPE == Type.Weighted)
                    value = ((WMA_High[i].Result[index2] - WMA_Low[i].Result[index2]) + Math.Abs(WMA_Open[i].Result[index2] - WMA_Close[i].Result[index2])) / PS;
                else if (TYPE == Type.Exponential)
                    value = ((EMA_High[i].Result[index2] - EMA_Low[i].Result[index2]) + Math.Abs(EMA_Open[i].Result[index2] - EMA_Close[i].Result[index2])) / PS;

                CSIs[i] = value;

            var sum = CSIs.Select(x => x).Sum();
            for (int i = 0; i < BarSeries.Count; i++)
                var index2 = GetIndexByTF(BarSeries[i], this.Bars, index);

                if (index2 == -1)

                CSIs[i] = (CSIs[i] / sum) * Percentage;

                var lastvalues = LastValues[i];
                var lastperiods = lastvalues.LastPeriods;

                if (!lastperiods.Any() || lastperiods.Count <= Periods && LastValues[i].Index != index2)
                    lastperiods[lastperiods.Count - 1] = CSIs[i];
                if (lastperiods.Count > Periods)

                CChs[i] = lastperiods[lastperiods.Count - 1] - lastperiods[0];

                LastValues[i].Index = index2;


        void DrawTexts()
            double[] values = CSIs.ToArray();
            double[] momentums = CChs.ToArray();
            string[] currencies = Currencies.ToArray();

            for (int i = 1; i < values.Length; i++)
                for (int k = i; k >= 1; k--)
                    var value2 = SortBy == SortType.Strength ? values[k] : momentums[k];
                    var value1 = SortBy == SortType.Strength ? values[k - 1] : momentums[k - 1];

                    if (value2 > value1)
                        var temp1 = values[k];
                        values[k] = values[k - 1];
                        values[k - 1] = temp1;

                        var temp2 = momentums[k];
                        momentums[k] = momentums[k - 1];
                        momentums[k - 1] = temp2;

                        var temp3 = currencies[k];
                        currencies[k] = currencies[k - 1];
                        currencies[k - 1] = temp3;

            var Text = string.Empty;
            var sot = ShowBest > BarSeries.Count ? BarSeries.Count : ShowBest;

            for (int i = 0; i < sot; i++)
                var value = Math.Round(values[i], 7).ToString();
                if (value.Length > 5)
                    value = value.Remove(5);

                var momentum = Math.Round(momentums[i], 10).ToString();
                if (momentum.Contains("-"))
                    momentum = momentum.Replace("-", "");
                    momentum = "-  " + momentum;

                    if (momentum.Length > 5)
                        momentum = momentum.Remove(7);
                    momentum = "+ " + momentum;

                    if (momentum.Length > 6)
                        momentum = momentum.Remove(6);

                var currency = currencies[i].Contains("JPY") ? currencies[i] + " " : currencies[i];

                if (Horizontal != HorizontalAlignment.Right)
                    if (i == 0 && Title)
                        Text = "          Best " + sot + " Major Pairs         \n";

                    Text += "- " + currency.Substring(0, 3) + "/" + currency.Substring(3) + ":  " + value + " %  :  " + momentum + " %\n";
                    if (i == 0 && Title)
                        Text = "-------- Best " + sot + " Major Pairs --------\n";

                    Text += momentum + " %  :  " + value + " %  :" + currency.Substring(0, 3) + "/" + currency.Substring(3) + " -\n";

            Chart.DrawStaticText("Symbols", Text, Vertical, Horizontal, Color.White);

        int GetIndexByTF(Bars B1, Bars B2, int index)
            var index2 = B1.OpenTimes.GetIndexByTime(B2.OpenTimes[index]);
            return index2;
