I have a problem with my acc.Plase tell me where is the problem!

Created at 23 Jul 2024, 18:01
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Joined 23.07.2024

I have a problem with my acc.Plase tell me where is the problem!
23 Jul 2024, 18:01

Hello, I don't know what happened, but this morning the acc was in perfect condition a few minutes ago, I believe about 30 minutes of acc that I had worth $10,000 but they were in total about $9,578 and I had about -$422 and as far as I know and as far as I've seen, to lose acc if they are in total about $1,500, it was done in an amount of 1,000 and it doesn't allow me to do anything with it.

Please answer me and tell me where the problem of this work is.

Thank you!


24 Jul 2024, 06:49

Hi there,

Talk to your broker about this matter.

Best regards,

