Problem with Advanced Take Profit

Created at 19 Apr 2024, 08:38
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Joined 19.04.2024

Problem with Advanced Take Profit
19 Apr 2024, 08:38


I tried to apply Advanced Take Profit on my position. My server TP total was 400 Pips @ 10.00 Lots = $4000. I tried to take partial profits at:

ATP1 - 90 Pips x 9 Lots = $810

ATP2 - 190 Pips x 9 Lots = $1710

ATP 3 - 290 Pips x 4 Lots = $1160

ATP 4 - 390 Pips x 0.8 Lots = $312

The total potential profit would based on the Advanced Take Profit Levels would be $3992 which is actually less than $4000

ctrader did not allow me to do it like would only me to input ATP1. I need to under why wouldn't it allow me to input the other Advanced Take Profit Levels?

ACCOUNT NO. 4093689




Kind Regards



22 Apr 2024, 17:50 ( Updated at: 23 Apr 2024, 05:47 )

If you had a total of 10 lots, how do you expect to have two take profits of 9 lots each? That in itself is 18, which is more than the 10 you have. 


If you want any help, then maybe you should try specifying what your order actually was and what the original lot amount was when you entered your position.
