Technical problems ans Suggestions

Technical problems ans Suggestions
20 Nov 2023, 11:41
Technical problems ans Suggestions
Technical problems and suggestions
16 Nov 2023, 14:36
Hello , I would like to know if I am an isolated case. I connect to Ctrader Web on my 2 macs and I encounter several problems.
The platform has many assets, it is frankly good.
But there are some major operating problems:
- Very frequent disconnection/reconnection on the various servers (I should point out that I have fiber optics). The average latency is 18ms/2ms, but this varies very erratically, sometimes as much as 50ms/10ms. Tests carried out on Chrome/Opera/Firefox/Brave browsers.
- Frequent freezes.
- CPU running abnormally at 60-75% when even a single indicator is set up on a graph. This is not the case with drawings, for example. Even when indicators are removed, freezes still occur. It's not normal for an AppWeb to demand so many resources...
It would also be nice to be able to :
-change the color of Heiken-Hashi candles.
-draw linear regression channels.
Are you preparing a Desktop version for Mac and Linux?
Best regards. Marc