Seeking Assistance with cAlgo C# Code Error
Seeking Assistance with cAlgo C# Code Error
02 Sep 2023, 18:02
Hello cTrader Forum Members,
I hope this message finds you well. I am a professional forex trader, specializing in day trading XAUUSD during the New York and London crossover session. Recently, I've been working on automating my trading strategy using cAlgo C# within the cTrader platform.
However, I've run into a challenging issue during the compilation process, which has resulted in the following error:
Build Result Build failed (1 error) Error CS0117: 'DataSeries' does not contain a definition for 'Tick' (C:\Users\alenj\OneDrive\Documents\cAlgo\Sources\Robots\New cBot (6)\New cBot (6)\New cBot (6).cs, line: 35, column: 73)
I have attached the relevant segment of my code below for your reference.
using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
namespace cAlgo.Robots
[Robot(AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class MyTradingSystemBot : Robot
private new const string SymbolName = "XAUUSD"; // Used 'new' keyword to avoid hiding inherited member
private const double PositionSize = 10000; // 0.01 lot size
private const double StopLossInPips = 500;
private const double TakeProfitInPips = 500;
private const double MaxOpenCloseHeight = 110; // Maximum open to close height in pips
private const double MinUpperWick = 390; // Minimum upper wick length in pips
private const double MinLowerWick = 390; // Minimum lower wick length in pips
private System.Timers.Timer _timer;
private Symbol symbol;
protected override void OnStart()
symbol = Symbol;
_timer = new System.Timers.Timer(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1).TotalMilliseconds);
_timer.Elapsed += OnTimerTick;
private void OnTimerTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsValidTradingTime())
Bars rangeBars = MarketData.GetBars(symbol.Name, DataSeries.Tick);
double currentRangeHigh = rangeBars.HighPrices.LastValue;
double currentRangeLow = rangeBars.LowPrices.LastValue;
if (IsBuySignal(currentRangeHigh, currentRangeLow))
ExecuteTrade(TradeType.Buy, currentRangeHigh, currentRangeLow);
else if (IsSellSignal(currentRangeHigh, currentRangeLow))
ExecuteTrade(TradeType.Sell, currentRangeHigh, currentRangeLow);
private bool IsValidTradingTime()
DayOfWeek dayOfWeek = Server.Time.DayOfWeek;
int hour = Server.Time.Hour;
int minute = Server.Time.Minute;
bool isTradingDay = dayOfWeek >=
DayOfWeek.Monday && dayOfWeek <= DayOfWeek.Friday;
bool isTradingTime = hour == 17 && minute >= 30 && hour <= 20 && minute <= 30;
return isTradingDay && isTradingTime;
private bool IsBuySignal(double high, double low)
double bodySize = Math.Abs(symbol.Bid - symbol.Ask);
double upperWick = Math.Max(high - symbol.Bid, high - symbol.Ask);
return bodySize <= MaxOpenCloseHeight * symbol.PipSize && upperWick >= MinUpperWick * symbol.PipSize && IsHammerPattern();
private bool IsSellSignal(double high, double low)
double bodySize = Math.Abs(symbol.Bid - symbol.Ask);
double lowerWick = Math.Max(symbol.Bid - low, symbol.Ask - low);
return bodySize <= MaxOpenCloseHeight * symbol.PipSize && lowerWick >= MinLowerWick * symbol.PipSize && IsShootingStarPattern();
private bool IsHammerPattern()
// Implement your Hammer candlestick pattern detection logic here
// For example, you can check for the specified criteria
return false;
private bool IsShootingStarPattern()
// Implement your Shooting Star candlestick pattern detection logic here
// For example, you can check for the specified criteria
return false;
private void ExecuteTrade(TradeType tradeType, double entryPrice, double stopLossPrice)
double takeProfitPrice = CalculateTakeProfit(tradeType, entryPrice);
TradeResult result = ExecuteMarketOrder(tradeType, symbol.Name, PositionSize, "Trade", StopLossInPips, takeProfitPrice);
if (result.IsSuccessful)
Print("Trade executed successfully. Trade type: " + tradeType);
Print("Error executing trade. Error code: " + result.Error);
private double CalculateTakeProfit(TradeType tradeType, double entryPrice)
return tradeType == TradeType.Buy ? entryPrice + TakeProfitInPips * symbol.PipSize : entryPrice - TakeProfitInPips * symbol.PipSize;
protected override void OnTick()
// You can implement additional tick-based logic here
protected override void OnStop()
_timer.Elapsed -= OnTimerTick;
Despite my best efforts to troubleshoot, I have not been able to resolve this error, which is preventing me from successfully automating my trading strategy with range bars.
I kindly request your expertise and assistance in diagnosing and resolving this issue. Range bars are crucial to my trading approach, and I believe that automating them would significantly enhance my trading efficiency.
I am open to any guidance, insights, or suggestions that you can provide. Your help would be greatly appreciated, and I thank you in advance for your time and support.
Best regards, Alen Rayen cTrader Client
04 Sep 2023, 05:23
Hi there,
I think the error message is clear and any programmer that programmed this would know how to fix it based on the what needs to be actually done. May I ask where you found the code?