Cant understand logging in

Created at 18 Mar 2021, 12:58
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Joined 18.03.2021

Cant understand logging in
18 Mar 2021, 12:58

Hi, hopefully someone can help me understand this program a bit better. I have recently only just learned of ctrader and like the features of it and have spent the last couple days messing around with demo to understand how it works and all that. Ive come to like it and wish to link up my broker to it but i cannot seem to find a way to find a broker list and add my login creditals. I cannot find anything beyond the couple they have listed and they only bring me to their website. I have both FXChoice and FTMO and cant seem to get anything to work. I might be missing something extremely stupid and would love someone to point me in the right direction please and thank you.


18 Mar 2021, 13:16

Hi nitsujsemrep,

To access your FTMO account, you need to download FTMO cTrader. Please contact FTMO for instructions. FXChoice does not offer cTrader at the moment.

Best Regards,


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