mistake of my strategy provider & copiers

Created at 14 Apr 2021, 10:21
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mistake of my strategy provider & copiers
14 Apr 2021, 10:21

Hello, my strategy have some mistake between my strategy and copiers . Please check for me.

My strategy name: Lee Anh GF. ID: 1144292

My copier name: hoangthutrangkt. ID: 1167867. Email: hoangthutrangkt@gmail.com

1. On 4th, March, 2021. I have no deal but my copier account have 5 deal in this day

ID: DID 89834062. Symbol: AUDUSD 

ID: DID  90106949. Symbol: GBPCAD

ID: DID  90399639. Symbol: NZDUSD

ID: DID  89966385. Symbol: EURUSD 

ID: DID  90693930. Symbol: GBPUSD

On 2th, April, 2021.  I have no deal of GBPAUD symbol at 7 o'clock but My copier account have 1 deal of this symbol (ID: DID 95446890)

This is my strategy account history on 4th, March, 2021 &  2th, April, 2021

My strategy account on 4th, March, 2021This is my copier account on 4th, March, 2021 &  2th, April, 2021

Please check for me & give money back to my copier account.

2. My copier trading account history contains trades that do not exist in the my strategy provider's history.

On 30th March 2021, I have a deal of EURNZD symbol (ID: DID 94980538) but  my copier is not.

On 1th April 2021, I have a deal of NZDUSD symbol (ID: DID 95351456) but  my copier is not.

On 1th April 2021, I have 2 deal of GBPAUD symbol (ID: DID 95427981 & DID 95446887) but  my copier is not.

On 7th April 2021, I have a deal of GBPNZD symbol (ID: DID 95894845) but  my copier is not.

On 9th April 2021, I have a deal of GBPAUD symbol (ID: DID 96479377) but  my copier is not.

On 12th April 2021, I have a deal of AUDCAD symbol (ID: DID 96494556) but  my copier is not.

On 12th April 2021, I have a deal of GBPNZD symbol (ID: DID 96586039) but  my copier is not. 

my strategy account history

my copier account history

Please explain to me why this is the case.

Thank you


14 Apr 2021, 10:27

Hi anhnguyenbp,

There are several reasons that can cause trades to be placed on the subaccount only. You can read them here. From what I can see from the screenshots your follower has a different leverage than the strategy so maybe this is the reason.

Best Regards,


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14 Apr 2021, 19:55


there are times when I do a lot of transactions and my copier account still has all those transactions. But there are times when I only trade 2 or 3 symbols, my copier account does not have those transactions. Please explain for me.



15 Apr 2021, 08:12

Hi anhnguyenbp,

Did you read the link I posted above?

Best Regards,


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