bot running in cloud crashing
bot running in cloud crashing
06 Mar 2025, 15:30
06/03/2025 15:23:05.527 Error | Crashed in Timer.TimerTick event with TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'cAlgo.API.ProtectionType' from assembly 'cAlgo.API, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=3499da3018340880'.
Have 3 instances, 2 in cloud and 1 local. The cloud instance s throw the above error the local one does not.
Any thoughts on what the issue is?
07 Mar 2025, 02:07
RE: bot running in cloud crashing
firemyst said:
The issue is, as stated in a multitude of other posts, that the cloud is broken, and you should use a VPS or run locally.
Spotware obviously doesn't care, because they've made no mention of it, or that they're investigating, or something else, with all the user reports of issues with the cloud.
It's been ongoing for weeks.
I realized today that the bots werent actually running in the cloud since the error started showing up.
Lack of response from spotware is odd as they have been reasonably responsive in the past.
07 Mar 2025, 00:12
The issue is, as stated in a multitude of other posts, that the cloud is broken, and you should use a VPS or run locally.
Spotware obviously doesn't care, because they've made no mention of it, or that they're investigating, or something else, with all the user reports of issues with the cloud.
It's been ongoing for weeks.