Build failed with no further error message

Created at 12 Jan 2024, 16:20
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Joined 11.06.2023

Build failed with no further error message
12 Jan 2024, 16:20

When I try to Build a Cbot, it also says: Build failed, but it doesn't send any further error messages. I have tried it with Sample Bots as well, and they didn't work either, so the problem is not in my code. Any suggestions?
Thanks for help!


13 Jan 2024, 13:47 ( Updated at: 15 Jan 2024, 07:11 )

My first suggestion is to post screen capture(s) showing the result of the build, because right now, for all we know you could be doing it in Visual Studio, VS Code, cTRader itself, or some other way. 

How are people supposed to know to be able to assist with the little info you provided?


15 Jan 2024, 15:24 ( Updated at: 16 Jan 2024, 07:02 )

RE: Build failed with no further error message

I did it in cTrader itself, and the reason I gave only a little ammount of information is because that's all I know. As I have mentioned before, all it says is “Build failed”.  I attach an image to this post, in which you can see that I tried to build a Sample RSI cBot that I haven't modified and it still says: “Build failed”. 



16 Jan 2024, 07:08

Hi there,

Make sure you are using the .Net 6.0 compiler



19 Jan 2024, 18:30

RE: Build failed with no further error message

PanagiotisCharalampous said: 

Hi there,

Make sure you are using the .Net 6.0 compiler


Thank you, this fixed the problem! 


