MarketData.GetTicks(SymbolName) takes more than 10 minutes to initialize
MarketData.GetTicks(SymbolName) takes more than 10 minutes to initialize
02 Jul 2020, 15:59
It's probably not a bug but it certainly feels that way!
in the initialize function of an indicator:
Print("{0} Start Loading data.",this.ToString() );
SymbolTicks = MarketData.GetTicks(SymbolName);
Print("{0} End Loading data. ticks={1} Lowest={2}", this.ToString(), SymbolTicks.Count, SymbolTicks[0].Time);
Finally finished 11 Minutes later!!!!!!
it loaded tons of data i don't need! at a speed of 0.1 MBPS on a 65MBPS connection!
Am i doing something wrong?
Or otherwise suggestion:
- can you fix the download speed?
- Please adapt the GetTicks() to include a parameter for MaxTimespan back,or MaxTicks or EarliestDateTime.
- or both.
02 Jul 2020, 16:54
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )
i've restarted cTrader and now it loads just up unto 10:31 AM on the 2nd of juli 2020
at OK speed.
then when i execute it the 4th time I see that it is loading extra data
and if i employ loadmorehistory it's taken ages again
Other test
Add new instance/new Pair:
then Add new instance Same Pair:
Now it becomes clear!
there is a possible Bug.
GetTicks loads previous loaded data in the same cTrader instance + x ticks back.
and everytime you alter a parameter (indicator refresh) it loads more data!!
So if you do a lot of Param changes or restarts it's getting bigger and bigger and bigger and .....
That cries for parameterized GetTicks and LoadMoreHistory
used test indicator:
using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
namespace cAlgo
[Indicator(IsOverlay = true, TimeZone = TimeZones.UTC, AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class TestIndicator : Indicator
// Test
// Changed 1.0 :
// 02-07-2020 initial setup
#region class Globals
private readonly string Version = "1.0";
Ticks SymbolTicks;// Symbol SymbolPrices;
int IndexSkip = 0;
int LastIndexSearched;
#endregion class Globals
[Parameter(DefaultValue = 0.0)]
public double Parameter { get; set; }
#region Events
protected override void Initialize()
LastIndexSearched = -1;
Print(this.ToString() + ":" + Version);
Print("\n{0} Start Loading data.",this.ToString() );
SymbolTicks = MarketData.GetTicks(SymbolName);
Print("\n{0} End GetTicks data. ticks={1} Lowest={2}", this.ToString(), SymbolTicks.Count, SymbolTicks[0].Time);
SymbolTicks = MarketData.GetTicks(SymbolName);
Print("\n{0} End1 GetTicks data. ticks={1} Lowest={2}", this.ToString(), SymbolTicks.Count, SymbolTicks[0].Time);
SymbolTicks = MarketData.GetTicks(SymbolName);
Print("\n{0} End2 GetTicks data. ticks={1} Lowest={2}", this.ToString(), SymbolTicks.Count, SymbolTicks[0].Time);
SymbolTicks = MarketData.GetTicks(SymbolName);
Print("\n{0} End3 GetTicks data. ticks={1} Lowest={2}", this.ToString(), SymbolTicks.Count, SymbolTicks[0].Time);
public override void Calculate(int index)
02 Jul 2020, 16:58
Hi ctid956028,
Did you read my post above?
Best Regards,
02 Jul 2020, 17:04
Yep but i pressed ok to soon an altered the response to include the code but somehow that didn't work i see. I'll do it again.
03 Jul 2020, 08:54
( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:22 )
Hi ctid956028,
Unfortunately I could not reproduce this behavior. This is what I get no matter how many instances I add or how many times I refresh my chart.
If you can record a short video demonstrating the steps you take and the issue it might help us reproducing the problem.
Best Regards,
02 Jul 2020, 16:13
Hi ctid956028,
To check this we will need the complete indicator code and the indicator parameters. Can you please provide them to us?
Best Regards,
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