What does "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object" mean

Created at 24 Apr 2020, 15:33
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What does "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object" mean
24 Apr 2020, 15:33

Ticks _ticks = MarketData.GetTicks() in OnStart results in an error: "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.". 
What does cTrader mean by that?
Which object? Which state? How To overcome?


Some More info


   at cTrader.Automate.Small.V1.Dispatchers.WaitingStrategy.BeginWait[TMessage](Func`2 predicate)
   at cTrader.Automate.Small.V1.MessageDispatcher.BeginWait[TMessage](Func`2 predicate)
   at cTrader.Automate.Small.V1.MessageDispatcher.SendMessageWithResponse[TRequestMessage,TResponseMessage](TRequestMessage requestMessage, Func`2 predicate)
   at cTrader.Automate.Small.V1.MarketApi.SmallChartSourceController.LoadHistory(String symbolName, TimeFrame timeFrame)
   at cTrader.Automate.Small.V1.MarketApi.SmallMarketData.GetInternal[T](String symbolName, TimeFrame timeFrame)
   at cTrader.Automate.Small.V1.MarketApi.SmallMarketData.GetTicks()


24 Apr 2020, 15:43

Hi Ton,

Can you please share a cBot and steps to reproduce this behavior e.g. cBot parameres, symbol, broker etc.

Best Regards,


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24 Apr 2020, 18:17


I'ts an internal cAlgo error, can't strip the bot to an acceptable sample


27 Apr 2020, 08:58

Hi Ton,

You can send it to us at community@spotware.com.

Best Regards,


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