Heikin Ashi Values in existing Indicators
Created at 29 Feb 2020, 00:10
Heikin Ashi Values in existing Indicators
29 Feb 2020, 00:10
I try to integrate Heikin Ashi candles into the calculation of different Indicators. As Heikin Ashi candles have different values than the real candles, calculating those Indicators would create different values.
For example the Indicators.DirectionalMovementsSystem or the Exponential Moving Average are things I would like to calculate with Heikin Ashi values.
Is this even possible or do I have to write all the functions by myself?
Thank you for your help.
03 Mar 2020, 09:23 ( Updated at: 21 Dec 2023, 09:21 )
Hi patrickzberg,
It depends on the indicator. If the source indicator has an output series and if the indicator takes as input a data source from another indicator then you should be able to do this. See below an example of how an EMA takes as input an SMA
Best Regards,
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