"TechnicalError" only on USDJPY
"TechnicalError" only on USDJPY
27 Jun 2018, 21:37
Hello all
This is how I sent an order:
//if (PlaceStopOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, volume, Symbol.Ask + Symbol.PipValue * _stop_order_treshold, volatility.ToString(), stopLossPips, takeProfitPips, Server.Time.AddMinutes(_order_exp_min)).IsSuccessful) if (!ExecuteMarketOrder(TradeType.Sell, Symbol, volume, TradeComment, stopLossPips, takeProfitPips, Slippage, TradeComment).IsSuccessful) { Thread.Sleep(800); return false; }
This are the values I Use:
Buy, USDJPY (Ask: 110.186, Bid: 110.182), 456000, USDJPY, 26.518088252584, 30.2819117474158, 0.3, USDJPY
This is the log entry:
27/06/2018 20:23:55.364→ Executing Market Order to Buy 456000 USDJPY (SL: 26.518088252584, TP: 30.2819117474158, MR: 0.3) FAILED with error "TechnicalError"
And this is the journal entry:
27/06/2018 20:23:55Request to Buy $ 456k USDJPY (Price: 110.186, SL: 26.518088252584, TP: 30.2819117474158, MR: 0.3) is sent to server
27/06/2018 20:23:55→ Order OID0 is REJECTED with error "INVALID_REQUEST"
Any ideas how to debug this?
28 Jun 2018, 10:57
Hi Patrick,
Can you please try rounding SL and TP values to the decimal places allowed by the symbol and let me know if this resolves the issues?
Best Regards,
28 Jun 2018, 10:55
Figured it out, to many decimal point on S/L and T/P.