No Label or Comment available for historical trades

No Label or Comment available for historical trades
09 Nov 2024, 15:59
When getting open positions via ProtoOAReconcileRes
there is a TradeData property of type ProtoOATradeData
which contains the Label, Comment etc.
When getting Historical Positions via ProtoOADealListRes
there is no TradeData or Label or Comment.
I've looked through all the messages and the C# SDK and there is no option get the Label or Comment for historical positions.
Is there another type or way to get this data?
11 Nov 2024, 08:48
RE: No Label or Comment available for historical trades
PanagiotisCharalampous said:
Hi there,
Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment. It will be added in a future update of Open API.
Best regards,
Hi Panagiotis,
Thank you for your response. While I appreciate the clarification, I have to express some disappointment. I’ve seen similar feature requests raised in this forum that have not been addressed over time, which raises some concerns about whether this will be implemented in the future.
This feels like a significant oversight by the development team, and it has led to some doubts regarding the direction and future capabilities of cTrader. I sincerely hope this feedback is taken into consideration for upcoming updates.
11 Nov 2024, 08:41
Hi there,
Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment. It will be added in a future update of Open API.
Best regards,