Open API - ProtoOASpotEvent event just fires once unless...

Created at 26 Feb 2024, 00:44
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Open API - ProtoOASpotEvent event just fires once unless...
26 Feb 2024, 00:44

I'm working a C# application and taking references from the documentation and the example on Github. I've managed to get everything up and running how I need except one part which works but does not make sense to me.

  1. I'm sending a ProtoOASubscribeSpotsReq and passing in the symbolIds (exactly like the sample code)
  2. I'm subscribing and listening to the ProtoOASpotEvent
  3. This event fires ONLY once and I get the data for all subscribed symbols (but only once)
  4. The breakpoint does not get trigged nor the console.writeline so I know it's not being triggered again
  5. HOWEVER, if I add in a function GetSymbolsQuote (see below) and put a foreach to call it then the ProtoOASpotEvent function gets called continuously and works as expected.

My doubt is that the channel type, reader, yeild, etc is a C# thing and nothing to do with Open API. Because the GetSymbolsQuote function technically does not do anything to Open API or the ProtoOASpotEvent event to trigger and only creates a C# channel which can be read. 

Please let me know what's up. Any guidance would be appreciated, thanks!

PS - Confusion also arises because channel or no channel, the ProtoOASpotEvent should trigger everytime then only I can write it to the channel but what's up the requirement of using GetSymbolsQuote to trigger ProtoOASpotEvent I don't get.

All relevant code below.


async Task<ProtoOASubscribeSpotsRes> SubscribeToSpots(long[] symbolIds)
   var taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource<ProtoOASubscribeSpotsRes>();
   IDisposable? disposable = null;

   if (openClient != null && settings != null)
       disposable = openClient.OfType<ProtoOASubscribeSpotsRes>()
       .Where(response => response.CtidTraderAccountId == settings.CTraderAccountId)
       .Subscribe(response =>

       var protoOASubscribeSpotsReq = new ProtoOASubscribeSpotsReq
           CtidTraderAccountId = settings.CTraderAccountId,
           SubscribeToSpotTimestamp = true


       await openClient.SendMessage(protoOASubscribeSpotsReq);
       return await taskCompletionSource.Task;

   return null!;

void SubscribeToUpdates()
   if(openClient != null)

void OnSpotEvent(ProtoOASpotEvent spotEvent)
   if(accountModel != null)
       var symbol = accountModel.Symbols.FirstOrDefault(symbol => symbol.Id == spotEvent.SymbolId);
       if (symbol != null)
           double bid = symbol.Bid;
           double ask = symbol.Ask;

           if (spotEvent.HasBid) bid = symbol.Data.GetPriceFromRelative((long)spotEvent.Bid);
           if (spotEvent.HasAsk) ask = symbol.Data.GetPriceFromRelative((long)spotEvent.Ask);

           var quote = new SymbolQuote(symbol.Id, bid, ask);

           Console.WriteLine(spotEvent.Timestamp + " -> " + symbol.Name + " " + bid);

           if (symbol.QuoteAsset.AssetId == accountModel.DepositAsset.AssetId && symbol.TickValue == 0)
               symbol.TickValue = symbol.Data.GetTickValue(symbol.QuoteAsset, accountModel.DepositAsset, null);
           else if (symbol.ConversionSymbols.Count > 0 && symbol.ConversionSymbols.All(symbol => symbol.Bid != 0))
               symbol.TickValue = symbol.Data.GetTickValue(symbol.QuoteAsset, accountModel.DepositAsset, symbol.ConversionSymbols.Select(symbol => new Tuple<ProtoOAAsset, ProtoOAAsset, double>(symbol.BaseAsset, symbol.QuoteAsset, symbol.Bid)));
           if (_subscribedAccountQuoteChannels.TryGetValue(spotEvent.CtidTraderAccountId, out var quotesChannel))


async IAsyncEnumerable<SymbolQuote> GetSymbolsQuote()
   if(settings != null)
       var channel = Channel.CreateUnbounded<SymbolQuote>();
       _subscribedAccountQuoteChannels.AddOrUpdate(settings.CTraderAccountId, channel, (key, oldChannel) => channel);

       while (await channel.Reader.WaitToReadAsync())
           while (channel.Reader.TryRead(out var quote))
               yield return quote;

await foreach (var quote in GetSymbolsQuote())
  //Console.WriteLine(quote.Id + " -> " + quote.Bid);
