Limit order invalid precision
Created at 26 Feb 2019, 21:10
Limit order invalid precision
26 Feb 2019, 21:10
Limit order is REJECTED with error "Relative take profit has invalid precision"
trying to set a limitorder on IT40
TradeOperation tradeOperation = PlaceLimitOrderAsync(TradeType.Buy, Symbol, 10, Symbol.Bid + Symbol.PipSize, "t1", null, Symbol.PipSize, Server.Time.AddMilliseconds(50)); if (tradeOperation != null && tradeOperation.TradeResult != null && tradeOperation.TradeResult.Error != null) { result = "Cancelled " + tradeOperation.TradeResult.Error.ToString(); return; }
pipsize for it40 = 0.1
Server returns: Limit order is REJECTED with error "Relative take profit has invalid precision"
Must the lowest minimum limit be bigger than the Pipsize???
27 Feb 2019, 09:19
Hi Ton,
As the message indicates, the issue is with the Take Profit. The Take Profit cannot be lower than the Symbol's decimal places. I guess that in this case Symbol.TickSize and Symbol.PipSize match therefore 0.1 pips is not a valid Take Profit value. Who is your broker?
Best Regards,