Position hits Stop Loss
Position hits Stop Loss
07 Feb 2018, 14:57
Dear Panagiotis!
I could not find if was possible to find programmatically that a position is closed by hitting a Stop Loss?
If yes, what would be the code?
also : is it possible to find out if position was hitting a stop (or a take profit), or closed manually?
07 Feb 2018, 17:09
How about this? You might need to add some tolerance due to slippage though.
private void Positions_Closed(PositionClosedEventArgs e) { var takeProfit = e.Position.TakeProfit; var stopLoss = e.Position.StopLoss; var closingPrice = History.First(x => x.PositionId == e.Position.Id).ClosingPrice; if (e.Position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? closingPrice >= takeProfit : closingPrice <= takeProfit) { Print("Position {0} closed by TP", e.Position.Id); } else if (position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? closingPrice <= stopLoss : closingPrice >= stopLoss) { Print("Position {0} closed by SL", position.Id); } else { Print("Position {0} closed manually", position.Id); } }
07 Feb 2018, 17:12
Sorry, there was a typo in the code.
private void Positions_Closed(PositionClosedEventArgs e) { var takeProfit = e.Position.TakeProfit; var stopLoss = e.Position.StopLoss; var closingPrice = History.First(x => x.PositionId == e.Position.Id).ClosingPrice; if (e.Position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? closingPrice >= takeProfit : closingPrice <= takeProfit) { Print("Position {0} closed by TP", e.Position.Id); } else if (e.Position.TradeType == TradeType.Buy ? closingPrice <= stopLoss : closingPrice >= stopLoss) { Print("Position {0} closed by SL", e.Position.Id); } else { Print("Position {0} closed manually", e.Position.Id); } }
07 Feb 2018, 17:19
Hi tmc,
Your proposal is a nice workaround and could work for most of the cases. However, since SL is a market order, the closing price could be both above and below the price. Therefore, the solution would not be 100% accurate (e.g. in case of positive slippage).
Best Regards,
07 Feb 2018, 21:05
Stop Loss
Yes, I also agree with Panagiotis, there must be a direct event, which actually is somewhere, cause every time the order is filled with SL or TP I got a mail, saying that my position was close due to .... (SL or TP) was filled. I will try to make them suggestion, but will they listen?
07 Feb 2018, 21:10
In my bot the position is closed when it meets a cirtain criteria
In that case I do
Private bool ClosedByRobot=false
...//when the criteria is met then
But for the SL there is no way I could do that, even to on the server they know it
07 Feb 2018, 15:16
Hi Alexander,
Currently there is no way to know how a position was closed. You could post a suggestion in the Suggestions section.
Best Regards,