Category Other  Published on 10/07/2024

London Fix Strategy cBot


The London Fix strategy in FX trading refers to a trading strategy that involves executing trades at the London fix price, which is a benchmark price set for various currencies at a specific time each trading day. Here's a detailed breakdown:

What is the London Fix?

  • Definition: The London fix, particularly the 4 PM London fix (also known as the WM/Reuters fix), is a daily process where a benchmark exchange rate for various currencies is set.
  • Time: This fix is established at 4 PM London time and is used by investors and companies for valuing portfolios and contracts.
  • Purpose: It provides a standard reference point for traders, allowing for a transparent and reliable rate for transactions.

How the London Fix Strategy Works

  1. Trading Timing: The strategy involves placing orders around the time of the fix (usually shortly before or at the fix time) to benefit from the liquidity and price movements during this period.
  2. Trade Volume: The cBot adjust trade volume automatically based on account equity. 

Benefits and Risks


  • Liquidity: The period around the London fix is characterized by high liquidity, reducing the risk of slippage.
  • Transparency: The fix provides a transparent and widely recognized rate, aiding in fair and consistent pricing.
  • Predictability: Knowing when the fix occurs allows traders to plan and execute strategies with precise timing.


  • Volatility: The fix can cause significant short-term volatility, which can be risky if not managed properly.
  • Market Manipulation: There have been concerns and investigations into potential manipulation of the fix rates by traders to gain an advantage.
  • Slippage: Despite high liquidity, large orders may still experience slippage if not carefully executed.

Practical Application

  • Institutional Use: Many institutional traders, asset managers, and hedge funds use the London fix to value portfolios, settle contracts, and benchmark performance.
  • Retail Traders: Retail traders can also use the fix as a reference point, but they typically do not participate directly in the large volume of trades around the fix time.

Understanding the London Fix strategy requires familiarity with the timing, market dynamics, and potential risks and rewards involved in trading around this critical benchmark.

Lots : 5.0 (Volume : 500000)

Backtest period : 2011/02/08 ~ 2024/12/01

Profit factor : 2.81

Initial balance : 6,330 USD, Ending balance : 153,325 USD, Return : +2,322%

Free trial: >>>>>> Download the cBot <<<<<< 


Other products:

Tokyo Fix:

The author decided to hide the source code.

Joined on 03.12.2021

  • Distribution: Free
  • Language: C#
  • Trading platform: cTrader Automate
  • File name: New cBot (4).algo
  • Rating: 5
  • Installs: 255
  • Modified: 10/07/2024 16:40
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