This is a Robot based on the GannHighLow Indicator.
If close price rises above the GannHighLow indicator a buy is triggered and if the prices falls below the GannHighLow indicator a sell is triggered.
There is only one position open at a time. So, if a buy is triggered and a sell is open the sell will be closed.
The default parameters use no SL/TP (Default to zero)
If SLTrigger and TrailingStop are greater than zero then Trailing stop is used.
Any suggestions for optimization are welcome.
Joined on 17.09.2012
- Distribution: Free
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: GannHiLoRobot.algo
- Rating: 0
- Installs: 4786
- Modified: 13/10/2021 09:55
This cbot doesnt open any positions.
I am looking for cbot on Gann HiLo.
Opening: Cross both Gann 10 and Gann 100
Closing: Cross Gann 10
Do you have a robot like this? Pls post the code here
This cbot doesnt open any positions.
Report this error:
'Crashed in OnBar with MissingMethodException: Impossibile trovare il metodo 'Void cAlgo.API.Requests.MarketOrderRequest.set_StopLossPips(System.Nullable`1<Int32>)'.