This indicator illustrates the High-to-Low variation. It works nicely on shorter time frames.
The index value is calculated based on the observation length. By changing this input, you can have a wider or shorter observation range.
There is an additional smoothing function to make the output even smoother.
using System;
using cAlgo.API;
using cAlgo.API.Collections;
using cAlgo.API.Indicators;
using cAlgo.API.Internals;
namespace cAlgo
[Levels(0, 20, 80, 100)]
[Indicator(AccessRights = AccessRights.None)]
public class mHiLoSwingIndex : Indicator
[Parameter("Periods (10)", DefaultValue = 10)]
public int inpPeriods { get; set; }
[Parameter("History Periods (200)", DefaultValue = 200)]
public int inpHistoryPeriods { get; set; }
[Parameter("Smooth Periods (7)", DefaultValue = 7)]
public int inpSmoothPeriods { get; set; }
[Output("High/Low Swing Index", IsHistogram = false, LineColor = "Black", PlotType = PlotType.Line, LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid, Thickness = 1)]
public IndicatorDataSeries outSwingIndex { get; set; }
[Output("Signalw", IsHistogram = false, LineColor = "Red", PlotType = PlotType.Line, LineStyle = LineStyle.Solid, Thickness = 1)]
public IndicatorDataSeries outSignal { get; set; }
private IndicatorDataSeries _diff, _ratio, _normalized;
private MovingAverage _smooth, _signal;
protected override void Initialize()
_diff = CreateDataSeries();
_ratio = CreateDataSeries();
_normalized = CreateDataSeries();
_smooth = Indicators.MovingAverage(_ratio, inpPeriods, MovingAverageType.Exponential);
_signal = Indicators.MovingAverage(_normalized, inpSmoothPeriods, MovingAverageType.Weighted);
public override void Calculate(int i)
_diff[i] = Bars.HighPrices[i] - Bars.LowPrices[i];
_ratio[i] = Bars.MedianPrices[i] / _diff[i];
_normalized[i] = 100 * (_smooth.Result[i] - _smooth.Result.Minimum(inpHistoryPeriods)) / (_smooth.Result.Maximum(inpHistoryPeriods) - _smooth.Result.Minimum(inpHistoryPeriods));
outSwingIndex[i] = _normalized[i];
outSignal[i] = _signal.Result[i];
Joined on 25.01.2022
- Distribution: Free
- Language: C#
- Trading platform: cTrader Automate
- File name: mHiLoSwingIndex.algo
- Rating: 5
- Installs: 850
- Modified: 21/02/2023 13:02
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